By his own admission, former LaGuardia undergraduate and current Mellon Humanities Alliance Fellow Francisco Medina enrolled in LaGuardia by accident. In the handful of years…

Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi, A Review, by Ali Abdallah, Coordinator, Student Technology Mentors Program The most recent undertaking by the CTL’s Coordinators’ Reading Collective, in…

Travis Bartley is a third-year doctoral student at the Grad Center. At LaGuardia, under the direction of Pablo Avila, Travis assists in developing the computational…

At LaGuardia since 2021, COIL Humanities Alliance Fellow Oriana Mejias Martinez is mentored by Olga Aksakalova, English professor and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program…

The CTL Coordinators’ Reading Group recently finished discussing bell hooks’s Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (1994), in which she examines the…

Overview (Greeting) | Resources | Faculty Reflections Dominique Zino, English, reflects on teaching the concept of hunger. In my food-themed Writing through Literature course, we…

Seminar participants visit Smiling Hogshead Ranch. Photo: Michele Piso Manoukian As Spring I 2022 at LaGuardia wraps up, the CTL sends appreciation to all for contributions…

Happy 2022! January’s Notes offers readers a look into the CTL’s Staff Reading Collective (SRC), a bi-monthly seminar for reading and discussing meaningful texts, most…

Welcome to the 2021–2022 academic year! Over the summer, the CTL team worked with colleagues across the College to prepare for the return to campus….

In Spring 2021, twelve CTL staff initiated a year-long exploration of the experience of being human in these times of accelerated interaction with digital technologies….