Greetings from the Center: Fall 2021

many-petaled yellow flower with green centerWelcome to the 2021–2022 academic year! Over the summer, the CTL team worked with colleagues across the College to prepare for the return to campus. Our staff looks forward to designing, facilitating, and participating in a variety of professional development activities, academic initiatives, committee structures, and co-curricular events that engage dozens of thoughtful colleagues from Adult and Continuing Education, Academic Affairs, and Student Affairs. As always, the focus of the work and our partnerships is the classroom and the pedagogies that promote student life and learning.
The Center values its critical role in a continuous collaboration with colleagues to shape faculty, staff, and student learning opportunities. In addition to our sustained seminars offered each year, the CTL supports an array of workshops and one-on-one sessions that introduce instructional and advising tools and resources that assist all LaGuardians. Not least, our mentoring programs contribute to the academic and professional growth of more than one hundred peer leaders who support thousands of students across the majors. Many of these peer mentors are also tech experts, and in this issue of Notes, the CTL invites readers to watch their reviews of several easy-to-use technologies that can facilitate interactive courses and meetings.
The Center’s commitment to our own ongoing learning resulted in the launch of a collaborative reading and action group of CTL program coordinators. The post “Being Human in the Digital World” introduces the project and includes representative presentations of responses to Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun.
As the world addresses multiple pandemics that disrupt emotional, mental, and physical well-being, this beautiful narrative asks us to contemplate what makes us human in an ever-shrinking, ever-expanding world. Read with the LaGuardia mission in mind, we’re asked to consider the meaning of technological “progress” in a context of what Joseph Aoun calls a “robot-proof” education—the creative, flexible, and humane practices of learning and living that are enhanced but never replaced by artificial intelligence.
We look forward to learning with you this year.