2022-2023 College-wide Benchmark Readings
The College’s Assessment Leadership Team (ALT) invites all part-time and full-time faculty to participate in the Benchmark Reading. It is a significant annual practice where the College convene to review, read, score, and discuss our common Gen Ed student learning objectives. It is also an excellent opportunity to learn more about our common learning outcomes and goals, and better understand Inquiry & Problem Solving, Integrative Learning, and Global Learning, as well as Written, Oral, and Digital Communication. Please read below and register by Monday, December 12, 2022.
- All first-time participants are required to attend a norming session on Zoom on Wednesday, January 4th, 2:00-4:00 pm. Returning participants who are scoring a competency/ability for the first time are also required to attend this norming session.
- We anticipate the assessment-scoring site will be available for you to begin scoring the week of January 16th.
- We will hold a Reflection Session on Zoom for all participants on Friday, March 10, from 1:00-2:30 pm.
- We are asking all participants to commit to scoring for a reduced sample of “third reads” to be completed by April 3rd.
- We will provide a $500 stipend to full-time faculty and the equivalent in non-teaching compensation for regular adjuncts. We estimate participants will score ~50-60 artifacts in the first reads and ~20-25 in the third reads.
- To register, scan the QR code or use the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Apply2023BR
Please contact Rejitha Nair, [email protected], directly with any questions.