Resources: Access, Ableism, and Universal Design
In our work focused on full access, disability justice, and equity, here are a few of the valuable resources we’ve discovered and/or developed for and with educators and students.
“Nothing about Us without Us”: Students and Community
- Christian’s experience – LaGuardia student Christian Manzanares describes a “bad day”
- Designing for All (D4A) report: LaGuardia’s 2017-18 CUNY-funded project collaboration among students, staff, and faculty dedicated to making the college a welcoming learning environment for all
- Designing for All Student Survey summary (n=564) asking students about challenges and obstacles they face at LaGuardia, implemented Spring 2018
- What Does Deaf Mean?
- “Nothing About Us Without Us: 16 Moments in the Fight for Disability Rights” (New York Times, July 22, 2020)
- Workshop: Make It Accessible with Universal Design (video)
- Tips for Auditory Access @ LaG
- Checklist for Making Your Learning Materials Accessible for All (How-To’s)
- 7 Core Skills from Accessibility U
- Make your document or presentation more accessible (from google, but the same principles apply to other tools)
- Intro to Web Accessibility
- Libraries: Take AIM! Accessible Instructional Materials and Higher Education for libraries and all college entities working to make learning materials accessible for students
LaGuardia & CUNY
- LaG Resources: Office of Accessibility, Project REACH, Neurodiversity Committee
- CUNY Resources: Journal of Teaching Disability Studies, COSDI (Council on Students with Disability Issues), Project REACH and ASD, CUNY Accessibility Conference 2022, CUNY Disability Scholars Listserv
Universal Design
- Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit, Sheryl Burgstahler
- UDL Guidelines from CAST
- Inclusive Instructional Design: Applying UDL to Online Learning, Kavita Rao
- Transforming Inclusive Education (Bowling), Shelley Moore, Canadian Educator
- UDL in the classroom (James Costa’s middle school speech/communication class provides excellent real-life examples of UDL in action)
Recommended Readings and Resources
- Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education, Jay Dolmage
- Cripping the Curriculum – David Connor and Susan Grabel
- Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life, Margaret Price
- Nirmalla Erevelles’ articles: “Unspeakable offenses: Untangling race and disability in discourses of intersectionality“, “These deadly times: Reconceptualizing school violence by using critical race theory and disability studies” and “Understanding curriculum as normalizing text: disability studies meet curriculum theory”, explore the intersections of curricular design, institutional policies, ableism, and racism in classroom practices; these theoretical groundings are crucial to building out genuinely accessible curricula and classroom experiences. (These articles are available by logging in through the CUNY Library system.)
- Baglieri, S., & Lalvani, P. (2019). Undoing ableism: Teaching about disability in K-12 classrooms. Routledge.
- Derek Stadler’s LibGuide on OER and Accessibility
- Keywords for Disability Studies (collected essays)
Blogs/Sites/People to Follow
- Margaret Price’s blog
- David Connor, Professor Emeritus, Hunter College, co-author of Cripping the Curriulum