Core Competencies: Depositing and Benchmark Readings
In 2013/14 the College adopted a set of Core Competencies and Communication Abilities (Inquiry and Problem Solving, Integrative Learning, Global Learning and Written, Oral, and Digital Communication) to help students develop the habits of mind and communication skills needed for personal, academic and professional success.
While we believe that these Competencies and Abilities need to be addressed throughout the curriculum in as many courses as possible, certain courses have been targeted as ones in which students will upload (aka “deposit”) work that demonstrates their growth in these areas into assessment area of the ePortfolio system.
In June 2016, we’re holding a Benchmark Reading session during which teams of volunteers will look at depositing assignments to first be “normed” or, “evaluated and scored against the dimensions articulated on the General Education Core Competencies and Abilities rubrics” and then scored. The results of that process will be analyzed this summer. Right now, teams of faculty are creating range-finder and norming for the June 2016 Benchmark Reading process. If you have samples of student work that address one or more of the Core Competencies/Abilities (see rubrics at: https://www.laguardia.edu/Assessment/Resources/ ).
Please also keep in mind that we need volunteers to score student work. Each of the Competency and Ability teams are planning their own norming session to occur between June 8 and June 17. If you would like to send items to be included in the benchmark readings or are interested in helping out with the scoring process send me an email via the contact page.