Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi, A Review, by Ali Abdallah, Coordinator, Student Technology Mentors Program The most recent undertaking by the CTL’s Coordinators’ Reading Collective, in…

The CTL Coordinators’ Reading Group recently finished discussing bell hooks’s Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (1994), in which she examines the…

The Center’s Spring 2021 “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Curriculum and Campus” semester-long seminar offers faculty and staff an opportunity to systematically reflect upon and increase knowledge about multiple aspects of identity that include race, class, culture, abilities, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and age.

Inclusive Pedagogies Seminar Showcase From February 8—18, 2021, in asynchronous and synchronous Zoom settings, participants in four of the Center’s DEI-based professional development programs presented…