Soon after LaGuardia’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) was founded in the year 2000, we developed our first student mentoring program.* Over the years,…

This past spring of 2019 was the launch of the Tech Scholars Program (TSP); a series of workshops for LaGuardia students interested in the field…

The Roundtable event succeeded in introducing many to LAC pedagogy, and provided a forum for what may soon turn into a cross-CUNY collaboration.

On May 16th, 2019 students, faculty and staff gathered for the bi-annual ePortfolio Student Showcase. This event was an opportunity for members of the College…

Since its inaugural issue in 2005, In Transit: LaGuardia’s Journal on Teaching and Learning has invited LaGuardia faculty and staff to submit scholarly inquiries into disciplinary teaching…

The FYS Student Networking Event is the only cross-divisional event in the First Year Experience My Campus Events series. Originally co-designed with valuable input by…