In Transit Volume 9 Published
Since its inaugural issue in 2005, In Transit: LaGuardia’s Journal on Teaching and Learning has invited LaGuardia faculty and staff to submit scholarly inquiries into disciplinary teaching and learning.
As defined by Pat Hutchings, former senior scholar and vice president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, such scholarship examines “the conditions under which [learning] occurs, what it looks like, how to deepen it…with an eye not only to improving their own classrooms, but to advancing practice beyond it.”
Over the years, keeping pace with and reflecting the college’s diversity-based mission and initiatives, In Transit has published qualitative and quantitative pedagogical works-in-progress, book reviews, interviews, brief reports and personal essays, poetry, photographs, and drawings usually framed by a specific issue’s theme, examples of which are sustainability and the environment; STEM; work; international education; and incarceration.
Committed to a “whole-college” ethic, its contributors include students, staff, and faculty from Academic and Student Affairs, and the Division of Adult Continuing Education.
The latest volume of In Transit (v.9, Spring 2019) offers work developed from pedagogical inquiry activities initiated in either the Provost’s Learning Space or a CTL seminar, and highlights the varied ways LaGuardia educators engage in continual reflection on the curricular and pedagogical practices that support and deepen students’ academic and intellectual growth.
Discipline-based papers represent a range of studies that include prior knowledge, concept learning, collaborative inquiry, e-learning “gaming” tools, critical reading, culturally relevant pedagogy, the anxiety of public presentation, and the social construction of attitudes toward language. Equally useful is a set of timely reviews of studies of race (White Fragility; Written/Unwritten; and Black Women and Social Justice Education); literature, education, and shamanistic experiences.
We invite you to read In Transit, and look forward to your future contributions. Inquiries pertaining to In Transit can be directed to Michele Piso Manoukian ([email protected]).