Professional Development Seminars 2016-17
For 2016-2017, the CTL’s professional development program will offer multiple opportunities for LaGuardia faculty to improve their knowledge and skills while strengthening the College’s key strategic directions and exploring compelling contemporary themes. Digital Learning and the Core Competencies will take center stage in this effort, while at the same time we continue the critical work of fostering first-year student success and strengthening team-based advisement. The Competencies—Integrative Learning, Global Learning, and Inquiry and Problem Solving–and the three communication abilities (Oral, Written, and Digital) will be central to all CTL programming. Integrating the Competencies into specific areas of inquiry through assignment design, careful utilization of the assessment rubrics, and thinking through disciplinary implications will be key activities across the seminars. Explorations of digital affordances will be as well, whether to foster inquiry and integrated learning experiences, or to extend and deepen communicative capacities, or to capture the connective and multiplicative power of networks and online communities.
As with the Core Competencies, fostering effective modes of digital learning will center on assignment design and consideration of disciplinary implications. Another programming direction, funded by Project AVANZAR, LaGuardia’s current Title V program, will support specific seminars on inquiry-based learning and advisement for faculty in the STEM disciplines. Finally, opportunities to teach the First-Year Seminar will continue to grow as we offer seminars both for new FYS instructors, and one-semester mini-seminars for experienced FYS teachers who wish to strengthen their practice in specific areas. As always, all CTL’s professional development seminars will be sites of reflective collaboration, where colleagues from a range of departments and programs have the time and space to explore, converse, share, and learn from each other. Wherever your interest lies, participation in CTL seminars will help LaGuardia faculty meet professional goals while working closely with colleagues and building your ability to help LaGuardia’s students succeed.
For a printable listing of all 2016-17 Seminars, see this pdf document. For full descriptions and links to the applications, visit http://www.laguardia.cuny.edu/ctl/seminars/ .