2015-16 Seminar: Bringing the Global Learning Competency into Your Classes
In Fall 2015, LaGuardia implemented the Global Learning Competency across all college curricula. Faculty have mapped Global Learning into courses in every program. LaGuardia defines Global Learning as “critical analysis of and an engagement with complex, interdependent global systems and legacies (such as natural, physical, social, cultural, economic, and political) and their implications for people’s lives and the earth’s sustainability.” What does this mean in your discipline? How effectively can the current rubric be used to assess our students’ work in this area? How can you revise your current course assignments to meet the new competency? How does a global approach make use of the diversity in our classrooms? And how do we take fullest advantage of the global knowledge that students at “the world’s community college” already possess?
This 2015-16 year-long seminar is providing a forum for discussing these and other important questions related to the development of effective pedagogical approaches to the Global Learning Competency. Participants create or revise assignments for use in targeted courses and for assessment deposit. Seminar sessions include sharing and critiquing assignments while exploring a range of approaches to global learning drawn from multiple disciplines. Additional sessions are devoted to grading, effective use of rubrics, and the integration of quantitative literacy into a globally-informed pedagogy.