#AllStudentsCreate: Interactive Virtual Exhibition
Amid the crisis of an ever-evolving pandemic, Kayla Williams from the CTL’s Student Success Team embarked on a journey to provide LaGuardia students (particularly First Year students) with a virtual co-curricular opportunity for all student populations and majors.
With the amazing support of LaGuardia students and alumni, #AllStudentsCreate was born: a virtual, interactive co-curricular exhibition for students designed to be an opportunity for learning, inspiration, creating, and sharing.
To foster student learning and discipline-specific knowledge, the exhibition features interviews from twelve phenomenal CTL Peer Mentors from the Student Success Mentor program & Peer Advisor Academy.
These twelve Peer Mentors represent different academic disciplines in a way that provides a personal account of their reasons behind choosing their majors, attending LaGuardia Community College and how their discipline-specific experiences at LaGuardia influenced their professional interests and future career choices.
To create inspiration, on the walls of the virtual space hang samples of work (essays, paintings, presentations, videos, and more) from Peer Mentors and first-year students. These samples of student work are organized by discipline; allowing for visitors to engage with samples of work that may be of interest to them and their particular discipline.
Sticking to our initial mission of inspiring, creating, and sharing , at the close of the exhibition, there is an interactive space that allows students to choose a project to create based on their desired discipline. Whatever students choose to create can be shared through our virtual guestbook, and with their consent, even be featured in the exhibition!
This allows students to see the value in the work they produce at LaGuardia and ultimately inspire fellow LaGuardians on their own academic journey.
For more information on #AllStudentsCreate, please contact the exhibition’s creator Kayla Williams at [email protected]