ePortfolio Student Showcase, 11/16/15
The Fall 2015 ePortfolio Student Showcase will be held on Nov 16, Monday, 2:30-3:30 PM, E 500. Seven students from approximately 70 nominees have been selected to present their work. Students will discuss the learning experience and thought processes they went through in creating their ePortfolios.
Debbie Aguilar, from Prof. Leigh Garrison-Fletcher’s First Year Seminar Liberal Arts Social Science class, said that when she was notified by Prof. Garrison-Fletcher that she was selected to participate in the showcase, her whole class cheered for her and promised to be there at the showcase.
The other presenters are:
Noah Almonor, Liberal Arts/Social Sciences and Humanities, nominated by Prof. Joan Schwartz,
Malu Rodriguez, Education, nominated by Profs. Paula Zimmerman and Mercedes del Rosario
Shuwen Long, Business Administration, nominated by Prof. Monika Ekirt
Jeffrey Gallego, Business Administration, nominated by the ePortfolio Consultants
Bunthoeuns (Brendan) Choeung, Occupational Therapy Assistant, nominated by the ePortfolio Consultants
Kevin Bermeo, Fine Arts, nominated by the ePortfolio Consultants
Lehman College
Amalia Rojas Enriquez – nominated by Dr, Claudia Case, Theatre History